One thing that’s been certified in these uncertain times, is the necessity for quick, reliable and secure technology. With the acceleration of digital transformation has come a surge in API usage and a need for enterprises to implement them at speed.
In this article, we look at the top three API trends to look out for in the latter half of 2021. From API encryption, to managing APIs as products. Next time you are developing your business strategy – keep these trends at the forefront. Remember, we are here to help you integrate along the way.
1. API security, privacy and encryption
API usage has skyrocketed in the last couple of years to connect services and transfer data. With pressure mounting on developers to deliver APIs quicker, security is at risk and hackers and thieves are becoming more common.
For example, Facebook’s major data breach of April 2021 saw 533 million Facebook users’ personal details leaked in a public forum, leaving users in over 100 countries vulnerable. This has led to a public outcry over APIs being insecure and seen a rise in encryption APIs being implemented.
Securing your organisations’ APIs has clearly never been more important. At Integrella, we specialise in API management – overseeing APIs in a secure, scalable environment. Our team can set up an API platform for you, so you can control the levels of access each application type has and ensure all IDs are verified.
2. Measuring APIs with KPIs
We are now living in an API-centric world. APIs are no longer just middleware, they have evolved as products in their own right. If we manage APIs as a product, the right KPIs must be defined and measured to demonstrate the business value of the API product to stakeholders. For example, if your APIs are built to drive revenue, API revenue should be a KPI.
API management allows you to learn more about your API consumers, such as usage patterns, device types, and geographical locations through its analytics component. Analytics functionality could give you the information you need so you can improve the customer experience you offer and make strategic business decisions.
3. Hybrid API Management
With cloud computing becoming more popular, an increasing number of organisations are using a hybrid infrastructure, where some APIs are in the cloud and others in an on-premises data centre. This has created a holistic strategy; joining different disciplines, personas and architectures into one designed for digital.
Find out more about our API management and security services here.
APIs have undoubtedly become an essential part of digital integration. Integrella has been in this business for years and we are here to ensure your APIs are secure and managed correctly. Find out more about our work here and feel free to get in touch to discuss your digital situation.