EPR integration is a hot topic. Are you looking to upgrade your Patient Administration System (PAS) or Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system? It might be worth knowing the possibilities that are open to you – enhancing the technology throughout your Trust even further.
One possibility is providing your staff with mobile access. Integrating a mobility suite with your new PAS or EPR can give staff access to patient information, radiology images and test results through a mobile device.
Rather than each departmental application supplier building their own interfaces to the new PAS, it can help you to achieve greater future interoperability if you implement an integration engine. This can also prove less risky and you will not need to deal with multiple suppliers for each individual interface.
This might be the best opportunity for you to get a team of integration consultants to help enhance your existing integration as well as improve the integration between your new systems. By doing this now you could expose new opportunities and information within your trust.
For any advice or services surrounding work you are doing to implement a PAS or EPR – contact us using the form.