A world renowned, London-based children’s hospital delivers operational efficiencies and reduces clinical risk by completing migration to EPIC EPR.
The NHS Trust recently completed a migration from their patient administration system to EPIC EPR, as part of their drive to leverage technology to achieve greater operational efficiencies and reduce clinical risk.
The Solution
Integrella were contracted to deliver the world-renowned hospital’s biggest IT project the Trust has ever undertaken. The project consolidated their existing systems to make it compatible with the new EPIC system.
The project involved liaising with over 50 other clinical software vendors to successfully migrate 116 interfaces.
Integrella’s project delivered numerous important benefits to the Trust including:
Improved Workflows
Customising the EPIC system allows the Trust to create the most efficient workflows and supports staff by streamlining efforts and minimising extra work, due to workarounds they may have adopted.
Improved Quality of Care
The main goal of the Trust is to provide the highest quality of care to patients. Optimisation of the EPIC system can help achieve this by improving patient care coordination, reducing risks through standardised workflows, and offering better patient communication.
Improved Data Analytics and Reporting
Optimisation of the system allows the organisation to revisit and refine what information is mission critical, to detect any potential data integrity issues and to implement additional analytical solutions.
Increased Productivity
Making system improvements has a direct impact on the productivity of staff. Providing staff with enhanced tools, efficient workflows, and reliable information (in the form of user-driven analytics, reports and dashboards) supports their productivity.
Increased Compliance
Trusts spend significant resources working to comply with regulatory requirements and to meet targets. Though the optimisation process may seem like added effort initially, the resulting benefits include decreasing resources necessary to meet compliance directives.
Higher ROI
When utilising the EPIC system to its full capacity, the return on investment increases. By implementing additional features, Trusts leverage advanced functionality that makes the system powerful. Optimisation efforts can also increase ROI by improving revenue management and boosting cost savings due to efficiencies gained.
Integrella’s integration project with this world-renowned hospital follows a trend in which Trusts are migrating and integrating their systems as part of laying the groundwork for their digital transformation projects. These developments will be essential foundations for future developments in AI and machine learning.
About Integrella
Integrella is a leading provider of digital solutions to the NHS. We work with numerous Trusts (including GDEs) in the fields of digital integration and transformation. Digital transformation has become a key part of NHS strategy, encompassing areas such as interoperability and EPR, which are becoming increasingly important; not only for meeting targets but for patient safety.
Integrella is committed to working with the NHS to help unlock huge benefits in patient safety, productivity, data and interoperability.
Find out how we helped Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust plan and carry out a complex middleware platform consolidation here.